WhERe INSPIRATION meets memories.

“God creates the beauty. My camera and I are witnesses.” Mark Denman


At the age of 12, I spent my summer working as a soccer referee. As the season drew to a close, I went with my mom on a shopping trip to Target where I laid eyes on the Canon T5 Rebel and immediately desired it. The price tag was a concern for her, as it amounted to all the money I had earned that summer. She suggested that I wait a week and if my desire for the camera persisted, I could make the purchase. My longing for the camera only intensified during that week, and soon enough, I was able to acquire it as my faithful “companion.”


Years later, after hours of watching professional photographers detail their shoots, I realized that my camera fell short in capturing the images I desired. Driven by a desire to take my photography to the next level, I pitched the idea of getting a Canon R Mirrorless camera to my parents. Though I had earned a substantial amount of the price through my work at Subway, they agreed to loan me the difference. This camera became my tool for earning a degree in Professional Photography at Dakota County Technical College while still in high school, as well as my teaching companion for friends and other students.


Now, as a recent graduate, with seven years of experience behind a camera and a year of teaching photography to students at South Heights Homeschool Co-op under my belt, I have launched Kian James Photography.


My goal is to showcase the beauty that surrounds us, whether it's the serene sight of a mountain lake at sunset, the grandeur of a cascading waterfall, the delicate beauty of freckles on a cheek, or the smile on a child’s face as he gazes up at his parents. As a photographer, I employ my technical skills to manipulate light and highlight my subjects in the frame. By exercising patience, paying close attention to details, and adapting to shifting conditions, I utilize changes in natural light or the movements of my subjects to craft an image that truly captures the essence and allure of the moment. Ultimately, my aim is to honor God's creation and showcase its magnificence through my photography..